Monday, January 27, 2014

Introducing the Cox Family

Hi there! My name is Charity Cox and today I'm going to introduce you to my family!
             Firstly, there is my wonderful husband, Beau. He is a firefighter/EMT and preparing to start Paramedic classes sometime this year. He is also in the National Guard. I tease him all the time and tell him he has a hero complex, the truth is, he just likes helping people. He is a hard worker and a good provider. He loves his family very much. He tends to be pretty quiet until you get to know him. He enjoys hunting, fishing, playing his guitar or bass at church, and spending a quiet evening with his family. He loves Jesus and lives for Him.
             Next, there is little miss Rachel Marie! Rachel is 21 months old and full of life! She is very smart and busy. She is always getting into something. She loves her dollies and is quite the entertaining little mommy! She is always trying to change their diapers, wipes and desitin being used quite liberally, if mommy doesn't stop her in time. She is getting quite talkative, and by that I mean you can actually understand her. She loves her "Bubby" very much and talks about him all the time, from morning to night it's "Bubby" this and "Bubby" that. Her favorite food right now is fruits and veggies of any kind. She loves to sing and watch/listen to other kids sing. She is a sweetheart and melts her mommy and daddy's hearts every day.
             Then, there is little Hunter Levi, aka "Bubby." Hunter is 7 months old and a sweet little baby. He is very laid back and doesn't fuss unless he needs something or isn't feeling good. He lights up and gets a huge grin on his face when you start talking to him or playing with him. He likes to get down on the floor with his sister and play. He is quite active, he started rolling over at two weeks old and has been moving ever since! The other day I was sitting next to him on the couch when he flipped onto his tummy, backed his legs off of the couch, and stood up on the floor while holding onto the couch! He has just gotten his fourth tooth in and his smile is so cute! I have started feeding him some table food and he loves it. He is a cuddly little fellow and we enjoy him.
                Lastly, there is yours truly, me! I am so happy to have the privilege to stay at home with my babies and take care of my family. I enjoy making my house a happy home for my family. I love my husband and children very much. I love the Lord and desire to please Him in everything I do. My interests include reading, cooking, music, singing, baking, crochet, sewing, playing games, spending time with friends and family, trying new recipes, and more. I enjoy working for the Church. Currently I am the song leader, Jr. Defender Sunday School teacher, and church clerk and treasurer. The last one is a big job and takes the most time.
                So I'm starting this blog because my sister, Bethany, begged me too. I used to blog when I was a single girl and Beth missed it so much that she begged me to blog again. I won't promise anything spectacular. I just write about my family, life, and interests. I hope it is entertaining! My sister Bethany also has a blog. You can find hers here She writes about all kinds of things. Check her out!
               So that's my family. I hope you enjoy keeping up with us!
~ a Happy Homemaker