Friday, May 22, 2015

Wow... more than a year

I can't believe how much has happened in the year plus since I last blogged. We celebrated Rachel's second and third birthdays. We celebrated Hunters first birthday, and his second birthday is rapidly approaching. We excitedly announced our pregnancy with our third child only to sorrowfully announce the loss of that same child at 10 weeks along. We moved back to town and bought our first home. We have watched our babies grow into toddlers. We have changed countless diapers and potty trained Rachel. It has been a hard year and a good year all at the same time. In this year we have experienced the goodness, mercy, grace,  and comfort that only God can give in a real way.
          Enough catching up lets talk about the here and now. Beau is still working as a Firefighter, EMT and national guard. He stays busy all the time. I am still at home with the kids and doing church books and other stuff in my spare time. Rachel is getting to be quite a big girl. She is wearing big girl panties and only wearing pull ups occasionally, at night or on a long car trip for example. She is a busy girl and developing quite a sense of humor. She is always making me laugh. She is quite the little mommy. She is always trying to take care of Hunter. She loves clothes and shoes and likes to dress herself but her sense of style can definitely use some help. Hunter is for the most part a happy, cuddly little fellow. He is all boy. He loves to play outside and run and jump around in our big back yard. Now instead of having just one child who is obsessed with Barney I have two. We didn't have internet for about a year so that is a recent thing. Hunter loves dogs and calls every animal and even insects dogs. He gets into everything and big sister leads the way. They love each other and are best buddies.
         The kids are growing up so fast. It seems like they get bigger every day. It seems like just yesterday that they were newborn babies and now they are a toddler and I preschooler. Life goes by so fast. Well I have to go Beau is watching a movie with the kids and then I have to get them to bed.