Saturday, February 20, 2016

A little bit of everything...

I have recently been doing a bit of traveling but I am finally settled in back home. It's funny how a place can become home so quickly and a place that was home for so long can no longer seem like home. I grew up in the house that my parents moved into when I was only a few months old and lived there until got married, for 21 years that was home. I've been married for 5 years now and lived in 4 different places and each of those places have become home to me to a varying degree. But this last trip to my parents I actually got home sick. When I finally got back to the house I took a deep breath and thought it is so good to be home.
           I have finally gotten everything unpacked and settled back in. I had business to take care of the past few days and a home repair that I had to get taken care of. Dad had his birthday the day after we got back so we had a family dinner minus Beau and Josh and plus my mom to celebrate. Mom C found a knock off recipe for Alice Springs chicken from Outback to try and it was amazing. I will definitely make it for Beau when he gets home. After a scrumptious dinner we had banana splits for dessert.
Doesn't that look yummy!
Beau and I went in with Nate and Caleb to get dad a Keurig for his birthday. He had been wanting one for a long time but hadn't gotten one yet. So when mom suggested it we jumped at the chance to get him something that he really wanted. He is loving it. 
            Valentine's Day was this past Sunday and though Beau is usually very good at remembering stuff I wasn't really expecting anything this year. I mean Valentine's Day is kind of hard to celebrate when you are on opposite sides of the world. I should really learn not to underestimate my husband. Of course he remembered and he was able to get online and order me a beautiful flower arrangement. 

Aren't they pretty? I have been enjoying them all week and missing my husband more than ever. He is a pretty amazing guy. I love him so much and not just because he remembers Valentine's day. He is hard working, diligent, responsible, protective, great with our kids, loves the Lord, and loves me and the kids. I feel pretty blessed to have him for a husband. I am so glad that God knows exactly what we need in a spouse and He is so faithful to bring the right one at the right time if we trust Him to do it. God writes the best love stories in the world. 
            My mom came back with me and has been enjoying a little r and r. She's been enjoying spending some time with the grandkids without any responsibilities pulling her away. I have been enjoying the company, the freedom to get work done, and cooking for someone who appreciates my cooking. I miss cooking for Beau. It's no fun cooking for yourself  and the kids don't count yet. I mean cooking for toddlers just isn't the same as cooking for an adult. LOL I have been trying out some new recipes from Pinterest. Everything that I  have tried has been good so far. Unfortunately I have forgotten to take pictures of everything we have tried but I did get a picture of a zucchini pizza boat recipe.
It's actually pretty good. It's not pizza but it is healthy and yummy and has a pizza flavor. You just take a few zucchinis and slice them in half and cut off the ends. Then you brush them with olive oil and garlic, spoon a little spaghetti sauce on, sprinkle with cheese, top with pepperoni, and pop them in the oven at 400° for about 15 minutes. They are fast, easy, healthy, and yummy and I will most likely make these again sometime. 
          Yesterday we took a walk and went to the park. The kids had a lot of fun. They really enjoyed it. We also took the chance to take a picture for Beau. 
It was Friday do we all wore red to "Remember Everyone Deployed." It was a nice warm day so we didn't have to use our jackets. It was fun. We will probably do it again before mom goes home. 
        Bethany got me signed up to write reviews I'm exchange for free books. I got my first one in the mail the other day and finally finished reading it so I will probably post a review next time. I have done lots of reviews of places and things on other websites but this will be the first thing that I got in exchange for my review. I hate for my first book review to be negative but unfortunately I didn't like the book at all but I had to finish it and write a review about it. So I will finish that later.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Deployment Stinks

Yes it does. No question about it. Don't try to argue the point. But while it undeniably stinks there are a few things that aren't quite so horrible about it.
           Care packages for instance, any military wife will tell you that care packages can be a lot of fun to put together. They also for just a few moments can make you feel a little less lonely. Just imagining your husband's face when he opens said package and sees all the goodies you stick inside, not to mention the cute decorations and the personal messages, can make your day a little better.
           Another thing that helps deployments seem a little less never ending is the opportunity you have to go visit family. I have been able to have a nice long visit with my family. I moved quite aways from my family when I got married and have only had a few visits back since then. I have been able to spend some quality time with family and friends that I have only seen a handful of times in the past 5 years and the kids have gotten to spend a lot of time with "Grandma" and "Papa."
              Then there are the friendships that you develop with some of the other wives who are going through the same thing. Sometimes God sends us special friends when we need them most. I have made a good friend who I will probably have for the rest of my life during this time. Bri is sweet and sincere. Our husband's are good buddies and our kids are close in age.
           Then there are the friends you have had for years. They know you. They know when you are having a hard time almost instinctively and they know just how too cheer you up. Deployment gives you a little more time to spend with these friends.
            Then there are the hobbies that you pursue to keep yourself sane. Crocheting, coloring, reading, doing laundry, wait back up a second doing laundry isn't a hobby! It is if you are potty training a two year old though. You do laundry so often you would think it was something that you love lol. Seriously though I have read more during this deployment than I have for a while. My husband is gone and suddenly I have a couple hours in the evening that I can sit down and breathe and say yes the floor needs to be washed and yes there is a load of laundry that needs to be started but right now I need a break. So I read for a little bit, or do a puzzle,  or crochet, or color and feel better a little more rested and a little less frazzled. I have always loved to read. When you read you can travel the world without ever leaving your home.
           Deployment can also be good for your marriage. You have to work harder to stay connected and find new ways to communicate but it can help you realize how important your marriage is and just how much your husband means to you. My husband and I talk, text, and video chat as often as we can and we have a couples devotional to do together as well as a book that I am reading to him when we have the time. Though we are physically far away from each other our hearts have been knit closer together.
            So yes deployment can be rough but there are lots of things to be thankful for in the end, including the ability to think positive.